Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday’s Tidbits ~ Guest Author ~ Diana Rubino #HistoricalAuthor #DianaRubino #ThursdaysTidbits

Hi, all published and aspiring authors. I’m Diana Rubino, author of 18 historical and paranormal novels. My publishers are The Wild Rose Press, Creativia Publishing and Endeavour Media.

My story will inspire you to push on, if nothing else will. It’s unique, because I'm probably the longest aspiring author to be published—18 years. I wrote my first novel in 1982, after a dose of reality in the brokerage business. In those days, executive-level women were virtually nonexistent in the finance industry. My first novel was largely autobiographical, as most first novels are. Although my third and fourth novels came close to getting published with Harlequin, they didn't quite make it.

Because I’m a huge history buff, I decided to write a historical, which became The Jewels of Warwick, set around Henry VIII and a fictional mistress. Jewels took 2 years to research and write, with no internet. This was 1990. It came very close to publication with several romance houses, but missed the mark for containing too little romance. When I finished Jewels, I scoured the history books for another legendary figure to write about. While I browsed the Cambridge Library stacks, a book snagged my eye. Lying, not standing, on the wrong shelf was Crown of Roses by Valerie Anand. It drew me like a magnet. Richard III is a central character in the story, and the author thanks’ the Richard III Society’ for helping her. Who’s this Richard III Society? I wondered.

Already hooked on Richard, his tragic death at 32 and his reputation as a usurper and a murderer of his little nephews, I joined this Richard III Society. So, I joined up again through snail mail, no internet.

As everyone else who has a story about how they ‘met’ Richard, he fascinated me. I’d found the subject of my next novel! And it tied in perfectly as a prequel to The Jewels of Warwick. Titled Thy Name is Love, it made the same rounds of publishers, remaining homeless after several rewrites and seven years.

But the miracle of the internet came to all of us. My first online experience was CompuServe’s Romance Forum in 1993. This led to meeting many authors who shared leads and their own writing journeys. In 1999, Lisa Hamilton, an author I'd met on the CompuServe Romance Forum, sent me a list of E-publishers, since E-publishing was new and quickly catching on. One of those publishers was Domhan Books, a British publisher who also did print.

When I heard back from them, I figured it was just another rejection, but it was an offer to publish my historicals, since Siobhan McNally, the owner of Domhan Books, was a huge Richard sympathizer. They also published print books, so I lived the moment I’d dreamed about—seeing my first book in print. This was 18 years after that first novel went out into the world.

What surprised me most about the publishing business is that you really have to work on promotion as well as writing. I've read many differing opinions on this, but I do believe you should promote as much as time allows, without taking away writing time.

I can tell aspiring authors to make sure the opening is enough of a grabber, make sure the characters are compelling, make sure they're interesting enough and the reader cares enough about them to keep reading, make sure the novel is structured well, so that it doesn't have a sagging middle or any pacing problems, make sure the stakes are high enough so they're in life or death situations that it seems they can't possibly get out of, make sure the secondary characters aren't mere cardboard, and a humor always helps.

I don’t have any one favorite author, but there are authors whose books I’ll buy if their name is on them. That includes Doug Preston & Lincoln Child (they write great thrillers together), and Bertrice Small, who we recently lost. She never disappointed me.

I’ve never had a deadline from a publisher, but I’d once sent an agent the first 3 chapters of my vampire romance. He said he’d like to see the entire ms., so I wrote 5,000 words a day til it was finished. He later rejected it. Oh, well. But at least I know I’m capable of turning out 5,000 words a day. My usual output is 2,500 words a day.
In my ‘other’ life, I own an engineering business with my husband, based in Boston.
I’d like to tell any aspiring authors who are frustrated that it’s taken them 3, 4, 5 or more years to get that first contract, remember, I wrote for 18 years before getting ‘the call’ so never give up! Keep believing, and keep the faith! And of course, keep writing, because you’ll only get better. And NEVER give up on your dream!

Genre: Biographical Romance Novel

Blurb: Abandoned and left to survive on the streets of Providence, Betsy Bowen dreams of being reunited with her father – none other than George Washington. During her ninety-one years, she begs, sells her body, marries a rich man, marries a poor man, solves a murder, meets her father in secret and becomes Eliza Jumel, the wealthiest woman in New York City. She actually could have been George Washington's daughter, according to the historical record--he visited Providence nine months before she was born.

A story of desperation, ambition, heartache and betrayal, borne with humor and refusal to compromise with what the heart asks first.

July 11, 1804, a day I’ll never forget, a Wednesday, I rose early from fitful sleep. Two of my servants huddled in the kitchen, murmuring instead of cooking. They held the newspaper wide open.
When I walked in, they froze as if turned to stone, and held the paper out to me.
“What is it?” Without fresh coffee I was half-awake. But seeing the paper, I trembled. My mouth dried up. “Oh, no …” I hid my eyes with my hands, I couldn’t bear to look.
“M-Miss Eliza …” Mary stammered. “Vice President Burr shot General Hamilton in a duel.”
Too weak to stand, I grabbed a chair and sank into it. “He … shot Hamilton?” My head spun, dizzy with relief. But I still didn’t know about Aaron. “Is he all right? The vice president?”
“We don’t know, ma’am. It just says General Hamilton was mortally wounded.”
Without another word, I ran down the hall, threw open the front door, not closing it behind me, and raced to Gold Street in the gathering morning heat. Humidity soaked my clothes. I mopped sweat from my face.
I banged on his door. No answer. “Aaron, open the door, it’s me, please, we need to talk!” I banged again. Echoes answered me. I stepped back and squinted into the sunlight, shading my eyes to see the upper windows. Nothing stirred. The house was shut tight. He’d fled. But where? When would I see my beloved again?
Hamilton died the next day, and the city fell to its knees in mourning. It was even more pronounced than when Papa passed – because Hamilton was one of New York’s own.
Public grief over Hamilton paled beside the anger at Aaron. As I approached Trinity Church for the funeral, Gertrude’s father Gouverneur Morris greeted me. “I’m to deliver the eulogy. But indignation mounts to a frenzy already,” he cautioned me, eyeing the mob.
The tolling church bells and muffled drumbeats echoed through the sweltering city air. I thought of every place Aaron could be. I knew he hadn’t meant for this to happen. It was a tragic twist of fate. I also knew Aaron’s political career was over. He’d never be president.
“Oh, Aaron,” I wailed, “Where are you, my love?”


I heard nothing from him as each empty day slipped away. Desperate, I wrote to his daughter Theodosia but received no reply. I contacted his friends, but no one knew his whereabouts.
I saw Mrs Hamilton on Broad Way, head to toe in widow’s weeds. I wanted to approach her and offer my condolences, but she knew I was intimate with the vice president, so I kept my distance. Their country home, The Grange, was not far from the Morris mansion I planned to buy. We’d be neighbors someday.

Diana has written many historical, paranormal and biographical novels set in England and the U.S. She’s a longtime member of Romance Writers of America, the Richard III Society and the Aaron Burr Association. She has written articles for Romantic Times and appeared on The Book Swap Café, shown nationwide on Comcast channels. Diana and her husband Chris own an engineering business, CostPro, and make their home on Cape Cod. She’s a golfer, pianist, fitness nut, and Jersey Shore Italian. 

Where can your readers find you?

Where’s your favorite place to hang out online?


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Mystic Realms Author - Lynn Crain - #MysticRealms #LynnCrain #AvengingAingeal

Logline: Bound by vengeance, she is humanity’s one hope…

Blurb: Aingeal Cochran is on a mission to save humanity from itself when suddenly she’s staring head-on at her forgotten past. Lukas Everhard must bring her up to speed regarding the real enemy before allowing himself to love her completely. In learning about her past and mission, Aingeal realizes the best is yet to be and she will do anything to protect those she loves. For Lukas, Aingeal is the mission.

Available for pre-order NOW! Release date: April 10, 2018

What was the one thing you like most about this story?

I loved the fact that I could weave urban fantasy and science fiction together into a story with an Earth setting. This story certainly has a twist and I love writing stories with twists or differences.

Mystic Realms Author – Nicole Morgan - #MysticRealms #NicoleMorgan #TheSecretoftheHollows

Logline: What’s a girl to do once she falls in love with a demon? 

Blurb: Xavier Currington has spent his entire life hiding from the secret of his family. Being the leader of the Hollows, he lurks behind the shadows of the crime riddled Los Angeles streets.

Finally free of her abusive stepfather and drug addict mother, Elizabeth Hawthorn is faced with new fears. While working to get herself out of the flea bag motel she’s been forced to call home, she is offered a chance to make nearly triple her wages waitressing in one of the top gentlemen’s club in the area.

When Xavier first sets his eyes on Elizabeth he can’t help but pull himself out of the shadows. Her beauty calls to him, but her innocence is what brings him closer. As she falls in deeper with danger, Xavier is faced with the choice of continuing to hide, or saving her before it’s too late.

Available for pre-order NOW! Release date: April 10, 2018

What was the one thing you like most about this story?

That I was able to turn something that happened hundreds of years ago into an entire parallel world.

Mystic Realms Author - Lexi Thorne - #MysticRealms #LexiThorne #SleepingInTheDragonsDen

Logline: His Hungry Dragon My Curious Desire; His Tattoo Curse My Wet Dreams

Blurb: She woke up with that growled word still in her ear. Her body was sweaty, and she had thrown the covers off sometime during the night. But Lucy was alone in her bed. As alone as she had always been after these dreams. As alone as she had been ever since the dream started when she turned eighteen. She stroked her hand across the tattoo over her heart. The intricate tattoo on his back was branded into her mind. It was the only thing she knew about him. The sad part of it was, she had never screamed like that for anyone else. It had ever only been him, the phantom man of her dreams. She had never told anyone about it, though. Though, she thought Con might have his suspicions.

Available for pre-order NOW! Release date: April 10, 2018

What was the one thing you like most about this story?

I liked the idea behind the story at its core two people connected by love through their dreams. Even before they met for real they were dreaming about one another and longing to touch each other. I really enjoyed the symbolism that dreams, and tattoo’s play into the story.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Mystic Realms Author - Jan Springer - #MysticRealms #JanSpringer #DarkHeat

Logline: Betrayed by her two forced mates, she hides within Vampira.

Blurb: Warrior Queen Megan Bloodrayne was betrayed by her two mates. Fleeing them, she hides within Vampira, a secret coven of vampires who live undetected among the humans. Recaptured, Megan learns she’s been framed for crimes she did not commit. Her mates, kings Christian and Zane, believe she may be a traitor and they’ll try anything to get the truth out of her.

Megan’s got a secret and she’ll do anything to keep it, including enduring scorching sessions of red-hot sensual torture.

Available for pre-order NOW! Release date: April 10, 2018

What was the one thing you like most about this story?

I love this story because it allowed me to mingle vampires with menages.

Mystic Realms Author - Christine Donovan - #MysticRealms #ChristineDonovan #AWolfsTouch

Logline: Can she love him--wolf and all?

Blurb: Troy, one of the first werewolves ever created, amassed many enemies during his time on earth. Although he’s dead, his adversaries still seek their revenge by hunting his surviving descendants.

Unbeknownst to her, Kate Stewart is a direct descendent of Troy’s. She is attacked one night by a wolf who converses mind-to-mind with her. Another wolf comes to her rescue. This encounter throws her into a world where ordinary people mix with preternatural beings.

Ethan Brown, leader of the Saviors of the Night Clan is visited by Troy during sleep and given the task of keeping Kate safe and initiating her into his world. He’s also shocked to learn Kate is his mate. The assignment given him won’t be easy as Kate lives in a world where only humans exist. Or at least she thinks only humans exist.

Can the physical and emotional connection between Ethan and Kate be enough for her to accept her future and allow Ethan to change her and turn her into one

Available for pre-order NOW! Release date: April 10, 2018

What was the one thing you like most about this story?

I love the story because whether writing about a werewolf or a human, when you find your true mate the excitement and challenges truly begin.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Mystic Realms Author – D. Anne Paris – #MysticRealms #DAnneParis #GhostMate

Logline: She was going to kill him even though he was already dead.

Blurb: Jessica had a perfect life, until her husband fathered a child with another woman.

Heartbroken, she moves to Texas to start over.

When a handsome stranger pops in her new home he awakens a desire she never experienced. The only problem is he’s a ghost.

Jessi was Jon’s glimmer of hope.

Powerless, he is compelled to work with her to gain his freedom.

Will Jon’s soul chose to stay with Jessi or will vengeance tear him away from his soul mate?

Available for pre-order NOW! Release date: April 10, 2018

What was the one thing you like most about this story?

I like this story because it shows that there are no barriers to love. Even through death the hero in my story is able to find love.