Monday, July 19, 2010

Promoting Myself

Hi everyone!

Hope you had a great weekend. I know I did. One thing did come up during all my talks with my fellow RWA chapter members. Most of them love my blog and the fact that I try to make it for readers and writers alike. All them said in their honest opinion, I didn’t promote my own stuff enough.

Well – duh – it’s hard to promote when you have things coming out but nothing new since Christmas. Now, I’m really not complaining because I’ve had a full personal life with new grandbabies, computers crashing and the like. Things happen and I know this. My goals for the rest of the year are very high with me writing a book a week. If it’s a long book, maybe in two weeks. LOL!

Yeah, this means that I have to really push myself but to be honest I have written three times more this month than the same period last month. Now this is a very good thing because I will be turning in two books to my publisher this week. Unfortunately, it’s not Merrick and Jenna because it went back to the bottom of the queue and I’m trying to stick to my schedule. I have two days for them this coming week and I plan to get it back in shape to also ship off.

Still that leaves my promo dilemma. So without further ado, I will give you something from my latest book...An Elf’s Love...enjoy!

An Elf’s Love
Available NOW!!!
Book 5 in the Santa’s Elves Series

He had never been one to run from a challenge and this would be no exception. Pushing himself up from the rail, he prayed he could keep his dick in his pants long enough to not frighten her away. Just the thought of what he would to her, what they could do together, made his dick hard. For a brief moment, his mind flashed with the thought his desire might just be an effect of this place. His senses told him otherwise.

He adjusted his cock and strode toward the woman of his dreams, wondering if she felt the same about him. At any rate, it didn’t matter. Maybe if he took her virginity, he could break free of this place. Maybe not, his mind told him. Deflowering virgins in this day and age was not in his agenda. Not that he had an agenda any more. No, he just had a playbook filled with mismatched references to people who weren’t what he thought.

Standing next to her chair, he leaned in closer to get a good whiff of her scent. He had a nose like a hound when in dangerous situations and he needed to know her smell. “Look,” his smooth baritone rumbled close to her ear, “apparently, I’ve been deceived on who you are and what you can do.”

Merna turned her head to him, her soft lips brushing his. Pulling back slightly, her eyes went wide as the sparks flew between them. “Apparently.” Her breath was like the wings of a butterfly against him, making him want to lean in to grasp her tight to him.

“Do you know what I want to do to you right now?”

See you all tomorrow!



  1. Nice tease Lynn. :) Another for the old TRL. Thanks lol
    I agree more excerpts to promote your work and then I can add it to my list. :)
    Carol L.

  2. Carol,

    Thanks! I'm glad you like it. It was one of the most fun books I ever wrote.

    It's good to see you here today!

