Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Sexy First ~ @oddlynn3 #MySexySaturday #Saturday7 #LynnCrain

Welcome to week 67th week of My Sexy Saturday. The week’s theme is about A Sexy First. And this one was very easy for me. I’ve done a lot of firsts in my books: first kisses, first love, first meeting of an elf, first space ride. Yup, I’ve done it all and more. This month, I’m starting to build up to the Christmas season and my wonderful elf stories. There are a lot of them so expect quite a few excerpts in the coming weeks. I’ll also have a surprise starting on Tuesday and I’m sure you’ll love it. But let’s get on with the week.

This week in Austria was a complete turnaround from last week. It warmed up again and I swear I should have a cold by this time. But I don’t and that makes me very, very happy. It has rained off and on. I told my dear husband that when he left on travel, the weather would change. I was thinking snow but rain is a close second as the moment I stepped out of the airport, it was pouring. Today was off and on and now that the sun has set, it’s mainly on. Pup Harry and I will be on some adventurous walks as it pours.

Don’t forget Longmire as I think they are really close to finding a home. They’ve had more stampedes, more tweets and Facebook notices and from what I can read, it’s very close to finding one. Rumor has it that Netflix just may be the smartest network out there if it is true that they’ve picked up this fine, award-winning show. Gotta love those cowboys. I can’t wait to find out. Here’s the link for their #hashtag So drop by when you can and see what’s up with the Posse.

So let’s go back to our sexy first. This week, I’ll be sharing a sexy seven paragraphs from my book The View From Santa’s Sleigh. It’s all about a girl and a boy who’s an elf and their extraordinary adventures. Here’s the setup:

Tessa, very let down by love, is surprised to find herself comforted by the red-suited man himself on Christmas Eve. Thinking that he is the figment of her slightly tipsy mind, she pours her heart out to him hoping for just a little love, understanding and a good sexual encounter. Tessa gets more than she bargained for with an elf named Jedrick and both get the Christmas present of a lifetime. In only a short time, they find themselves realizing their love is for more than just the holiday season and more than just the sexual romp they had envisioned.

But Tessa has obligations in the real world and Jedrick needs to begin designs for next year. He gives Tessa a very special locket, telling her to use it anytime and he will come right away. Once back in her world, Tessa finds it has lost its charm and knows that her place is with the elf she loves, Jedrick. Their very humorous love-story is told amidst the backdrop of a post Christmas North Pole and the winter in Reno.

This is one of my very first books, so I guess it’s a first for me as well. Don’t forget to pick up your copy here. I enjoyed writing it and doing the series…enjoy! 

Tugging ever so gently, she removed the cover from the head resting on the pillow next to her. Oh, Lord, she’d died and gone to heaven. Stunned, she sat there and tried to put some perspective on what she saw.
The last she remembered, Jason Howell had dumped her…well, not really dumped her…she was never his girlfriend anyway. That, added to the fact she hadn’t even slept with him, made her pretty sure he only qualified as a friend. What was up with that? Never in her life had she had a boyfriend who didn’t touch her. It should have been her first clue.
But the man who lay beside her was nothing like the one in Reno. He was downright gorgeous. His amber hair, hanging in lush waves to the top of his shoulders, made her want to run her fingers through it. His long limbs held just a touch of muscle and bulged in all the right places. A five o’clock shadow gave him the scruffy look she loved so much on a face with deep-set eyes and smooth lines. She tried to imagine what his eyes looked like when something caught her attention…his ears.
Oh, my God, Tessa thought, he has pointy ears. Leaning over him, she ever so lightly ran her fingertips over the cartilage protrusions. They felt soft and warm to the touch. She could really get into this. She jerked her hand back immediately when he began to stir. Waiting for a few moments, she reached out again to touch the luscious points when a hand caught her wrist.
“Do you know what that does to a man? A full grown elf-man?” a deep voice said sleepily.
“Ummm…I can’t say that I do,” Tessa said, pulling her hand back to her chest. She wanted to reach out and touch him…touch the skin that seemed so warm and inviting…and anywhere else her hands might wander. This guy, pointy ears and all, really turned her on.

He leaned up on his elbows and shook his head as if to clear the cobwebs from his sleep-laden mind. “Should I explain exactly what happens when you touch an elf’s ears in such a suggestive manner?”

My traditional publisher, eXtasy Books, is having a $0.99 sale on some of my books. It’s a wonderful selection and if you’ve never read any of my stories, now’s the time to get them at a great discount and see if I write stories you like. Pick up your copies today!

The Thing About Elves ~ Book 2 in the Santa’s Elves series
The Haunting of Maggie Grey ~ Award-winning Scottish Historical about a woman doctor
Iain and Kelsey ~ Story about a woman’s darkest fantasy
Fluke ~ Book 1 of the Orchid series, sci-fi romance
An Elf’s Desire ~ Book 3 in the Santa’s Elves series
A Love for Eggther ~ Book 3.5 in the Santa’s Elves series
Shopping Spree ~ Story about a very special dress shop

Don’t forget to visit all the great authors from the My Sexy Saturday weekly blog hop listed below. They have even more amazing and sexy snippets to share.

Have a great weekend...see you next week!

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