Saturday, November 15, 2014

I'm Too Sexy ~ @oddlynn3 #MySexySaturday #Saturday7 #LynnCrain

Welcome to week 68th week of My Sexy Saturday. The week’s theme is I’m too sexy. While it’s hard to really put my finger on what this is about, I know it isn’t about the arrogant ones who think they are sexy and don’t have a prayer. There are a lot of these in the world. I can remember being followed by a few in my lifetime and not in a good way. Makes me shiver to think about it. No, this is about those men who know they are sexy and use it in such a good, good way. It’s all about the ones that you can’t take your eyes off of and somehow find yourself in a trapped elevator with them to realize that they are the nicest person. Or it’s about those who are sexy and fall hard for the person of their dreams.  And it seems I had the dates so totally wrong for my surprise…I am so, so sorry…sigh. But not all is lost.

Like I’d said last week, the Christmas season fast approaches, especially here in Vienna, Austria where all the Chriskindlemarkts officially start tomorrow. That’s right, you saw it right…November 16th is the first day for really Christmas shopping her…and it’s so weird still for me. In the US, we have Thanksgiving first that prepares us for a glorious holiday season. Not so here. We go from Halloween to Christmas and the shopping begins mid-November and it’s something to behold. I’ll definitely be putting up pictures very soon. And I’ll be posting more about my elf books. The big surprise I was alluding to was actually scheduled for this coming week, November 18th…and it involves prizes…good prizes. So stop by to see what all I have in store for you.

Austria has been pretty good this week. No days that were extremely cold or wet. But that all changed this morning. While the temp was good, the wind chill halved it and tells me what all is in store this coming week. Rain is predicted for tomorrow and I’m betting they are right from the looks of today’s skies. It was dull and gray and made me wonder when it was just going to open up. Even pup Harry was shivering a little this morning, which is something that is out of character when he’s on the move. Just stopping made him unhappy on today’s walk.

Longmire fans got the news we had been hoping for…Netflix is in negotiations to bring us season 4 of our beloved series…but don’t be jumping up and down just yet. There are lots of things to be worked out and it won’t be a done deal until the ink is on the page. Still, don’t forget to following their #hashtag here on Facebook and you can search the same #hashtag #LongLiveLongmire on Twitter. The stampede is great and still going strong. Gotta love those cowboys. So drop by when you can and see what’s up with the Posse.

This week, I’m sharing a sexy seven paragraphs from my book The Thing About Elves. This is book two in the series and the hero is to die for. He’s a very sexy elf on the order of Legolas in the Lord of the Rings series or The Hobbit series. He’s sexy and he knows it and most of the time he just flaunts it a little. Too bad there’s a woman on his horizon who sees right past the sexy façade to the man beneath. And what’s even more wonderful…it’s on sale for just $0.99! Here’s the setup:

It’s been two years since Angie’s friend, Tessa, got married to Jedrick and introduced her to his brother, Ardan. From the moment, she saw him she knew he was the man for her. There’s only one problem…he’s elf…an elf who swears human and elves don’t mix. But Angie has other plans in mind. When Ardan asks her to his house after the delivery of Tessa’s and Jedrick’s twins, she jumps at the chance. Even though he keeps telling her nothing will happen, they have been doing this dance for a very long time. And when she teases him by caressing his body, Ardan knows he’s lost. But love and commitment are more than just hot sex.

Ardan still doesn’t trust human women and Angie is determined to prove that she is the woman…the only woman…for him. She loves medicine, the North Pole and him more than anything else in the world. When Ardan is summoned to help a hurt elf, he is unavailable and Angie goes in his stead to prove to him that she loves the community of elves as much as he does. But something goes terribly wrong and Ardan is left to care for a comatose and possibly dying Angie. Ardan realizing just how precious this woman is, vows to prove to her his love is fathomless. No matter what the future holds.

This is one of my favorite books to write. I loved it and the elf I was basing him on. It was fun to write and flowed naturally. Don’t forget to pick up your copy here. I enjoyed writing it and doing the series…enjoy!

“Are you sure it’s that? Maybe it’s my quick wit or sexy body that’s thrown you off?” She leaned into him. “Surely, you can’t resist me forever.”
Ardan snorted. Resist, indeed. “Madam, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you do. You just don’t want to admit it, big boy. You want me.” She closed her eyes as if breathing in his scent just like he had done moments before when he had his back turned to her. “And I want you.”
Slowly, she slid a finger up his leg and under his lab coat. If that hand or finger went an inch higher, she would know that he lied. Still, he tried to will his body to obey his commands. Human women were off limits. Angie’s hand continued its journey up his leg and he knew he was lost. How was he going to explain this?
She leaned back, looked up and chuckled. “What do we have here?”
Ardan almost felt physically sick. He hadn’t let a human woman touch him since college and here this one was practically in his pants. He cleared his throat. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“And you call yourself a doctor?” She stood on tiptoes and pulled him down to her. “Maybe I’ll have to teach you,” she whispered in his ear as her tongue snaked out and gently caressed the flesh.

My traditional publisher, eXtasy Books, is having a $0.99 sale on some of my books and The Thing About Elves is one of them! There is a big wonderful selection and if you’ve never read any of my stories, now’s the time to get them at a great discount and see if I write stories you like. Pick up your copies today!

The Thing About Elves ~ Book 2 in the Santa’s Elves series
The Haunting of Maggie Grey ~ Award-winning Scottish Historical about a woman doctor
Iain and Kelsey ~ Story about a woman’s darkest fantasy
Fluke ~ Book 1 of the Orchid series, sci-fi romance
An Elf’s Desire ~ Book 3 in the Santa’s Elves series
A Love for Eggther ~ Book 3.5 in the Santa’s Elves series
Shopping Spree ~ Story about a very special dress shop

Don’t forget to visit all the great authors from the My Sexy Saturday weekly blog hop listed below. They have even more amazing and sexy snippets to share.

Have a great weekend...see you next week!

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  1. This was so funny. All I could think of was Orlando Bloom in a movie version.

  2. Love it! Thanks for posting such an intriguing excerpt.

  3. Yup, PJ, me too! LOL! Thanks for dropping by.

  4. So happy you liked the excerpt, Lynn. Thanks for stopping by!
