Sunday, June 13, 2010

One Of My Favorite Days!

Today is one of my favorite days of the year. You might be asking yourself why but it’s really easy to figure out. Today is my oldest son’s birthday and on this day, thirty-four years ago I gave birth to a screaming, eight pound baby boy.

He was healthy and had a head of red hair. It was a wonderful day but the labor was fast and hard. I don’t think my doctor ever forgave me to pulling him off the golf course as a first baby is supposed to take hours instead of the mere three and a half it took me. No, I wasn’t as lucky the second time but that is a different story.

My oldest now has a family of his own and a wonderful wife with two adorable twin boys. And I know he thinks I spend way too much time writing...too bad...I will always write even if it is about him. I’ve included some pictures for you to look at...but I will never forget my own miracle...or the day he was born.

Have a great writing and reading day! See you tomorrow!



  1. Lynn,
    How the heck do you have a son who looks the same age as you. What's your secret ? :)
    My first was born 30 minutes after arriving at the hospital and I didn't know I was in labor.. Just thought I had light cramping from eating walnuts the night before. My Dr never forgave me because it was Super Bowl day and he thought I'd have a long long time to go. lol
    Your twin grandsons are beautiful.
    Carol L.

  2. what a great picture of you and your son and grandsons. I swear doctors are either golfing or going to a ball game when babies are born. I had two babies come into the world and made the doctor leave the golf course. ha susan L.

  3. Carol,

    I was a baby when I had him at 18. The only other thing I can attrivute it to is great genes. My mother died at 64 and didn't have a wrinkle. I hit 50 with no cavities and just one or two wrinkles mainly in laugh lines.

    Yeah, I was all for the quick delivery but my second child took eleven hours. And has been a pain ever since...LOL!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Susan,

    It is a great picture of my oldest and his family. I just love this photo!

    Yup, golf has to be a doctor's number one sport followed by skiing. LOL!

    Thanks for stopping by!

