Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Writer’s Method

Some people write with their head, some with their heart. I fully contend and agree with today’s quote. You have to be somewhere in between to be a great writer.

Have you ever noticed that some of the really best sellers aren’t the greatest writer? Why is that I’ve always wondered. These past few years I’ve come to the conclusion that the real reason authors are popular is because they appeal to one’s heart first then their head.

If we are ever going to be great writers, each of us must do the same. Our characters must leap off the page and into a readers heart. From their heart, it will go to their mind and they will get what we’re trying to say.

Every romance novel or cross-genre romance novel is trying to say something to the writer, to reach them on a level where writer and reader connect. No connection and your books will never be picked up again. Hence the quote of ‘just open a vein’ because this is the level many readers relate to when reading a book.

You as a writer must connect with your readers. Otherwise, you’ve failed your mission.

Today’s quote goes right along with this subject:

A writer's mind seems to be situated partly in the solar plexus and partly in the head. ~Ethel Wilson

You must be a writer of both places because you can have a technically superior book but without emotion, people by and large won’t pick up another book.

Have a great writing and reading day! See you tomorrow!



  1. So very true. If I don't connect within the first chapter with a character I put the book down because if my emotions aren't engaged I can't go on.Your advice is really instructional for the would be writer. Have a great week end Lynn.
    Carol L.

  2. As a reader I want the author to do two things: entertain me and draw me into her/his world. Once I'm in the author's world that means I am connected with at least one character. I am not looking for a Pulitzer Prize winner but I want to enjoy my reading experience. Good column!

  3. Carol,

    I have to agree with you. I can't write a book where I don't connect to the characters and I certainly can't read one.

    Thanks...I really want to help people who would love to be writers...LOL!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Thanks, She!

    I totally agree with you. Most writers are readers and want to be entertained. I try to do that with every book I write.

    Thanks for stopping by!

