Friday, June 18, 2010

Writing and Me

This week hasn’t been the best for writing. First, there was the trip and that took up a lot of my time. I did manage to write in my notebook every day of the four which was wonderful. But since I’ve been back, it’s been hard for me to sit still for long periods of time due to my back and shoulder screaming they’ve had enough inactivity.

So I’ve been trying to provide that activity by walking with my husband every night, browsing at the mall and even do some light weights to keep me moving. The trouble is that here in the desert no one wants to move during the summer. It’s too darn hot.

And with the heat comes the lack of motivation or even brain power. There are days where my brain decides to take a hike because all I can think about is the heat. This year has been blessedly cool compared to others. We’ve only had a few days over one hundred degrees and even those are ones where the humidity is low. Those days haven’t burned me out. Yet.

It’s because of this physical burn out that I’ve chosen today’s quote:

The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible. ~Vladimir Nabakov

I know my pages are for the large part written in invisible ink because I’ve let summer get to me. It’s one of the reasons I’ve joined the 1000 words a day club as evident by the little banner on this blog. This is my minimum and most days I get five times that amount. But on the days where the heat is high and my shoulder is screaming, it reminds me I have to try anyway.

Today is especially hard because it’s my Mother’s birthday. She would have been seventy-one today. She died seven years ago and for some reason it is affecting me more this year. Maybe it’s because I became a grandmother but no matter what the specific reason, it has me reflecting on life. Yet, I need to write no matter what.

Some days it is hard to get into the flow of the words coming on the page. I do feel they are invisible and wish I could just make them all jump out at once. But I can’t and must type each precious one. And words are precious, just like life and those around you.

Have a great day! See you all tomorrow!


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